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Monday, December 11, 2006

About Me
- Name: Crazy Politico
- Location: Zion, Illinois, United States
Slightly off center, retired Sailor, with 2 kids, 3 grandkids, a lovely wife, a mortgage, and tons of credit card debt, evidently I'm living the American dream.

Poo, it won't accept mine. Well, this is what I put: Guiliani, first choice. McCain, acceptable. Newt, unacceptable. Female, 45, lefty troll, California.
Worked for me:
FC=Newt Gingrich
Acceptable=Rudy Giuliani
IATFSOB=John McCain (not that you asked)
Ultraconservative, male, 43.
It's strange, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. The problem is now if you click on any permalink you get the survey first.
Unit- Newt has too much baggage, we'll all be reminded of why he resigned as House Majority Leader daily should he decide to run.
Paula, I think Rudy loses points with the folks on the far right, as does McCain.... Never mind they are probably the two best candidates that have a chance to win. My first choice was Hunter, from a district in San Diego
I did it but I don't know if I took or not. My first choice would have been NOTA but that was not available though several of them are acceptable (not that idiot McCain.)
Is this the same poll as the one over at Blogs for Bush? I mean, I don't want to distort the results by taking it more than once if it is and that's even possible.
(How are ya, btw? Hope you and yours are doing great. :) )
Uber, it's the same one. When you click on results it takes you to the GOP Bloggers page for the results. I'll answer the "how are you?" in the next post.
Shoprat, you can hit not acceptable on all of them.
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